Let People Work From Wherever The Hell They Want To

August 26th, 2024 | Read Online

Let People Work From Wherever The Hell They Want To.

Organizations across the world are starting to mandate coming back to the office - this needs to stop...

The Intentional Leadership Newsletter

It was recently reported that Zoom would start requiring part-time in-person attendance by employees who live within a 50-mile radius of an office.

Sure, it made for some funny headlines that the company that most supported remote work during the pandemic was doing this, but they’re far from alone.

Organizations worldwide have started mandating coming back to the office—some as stringent as four days a week.

This needs to stop.

Companies are thinking about this the wrong way. While the bosses can talk about bringing people back to increase the opportunities for face-to-face collaboration, it’s balderdash.

They’re just trying to recoup their sunk real estate costs by filling office seats.

And who does this hurt? Those who are most vulnerable.

☹️ People who have chronic illnesses or disabilities.

☹️ People with lower incomes who have to pay for childcare.

☹️ People who support elderly parents.

It’s time to rethink the way people work… permanently.

By requiring people to come to an office, you’re eliminating hiring the best person for a position if they don’t live in the right place.

If my ideal candidate lives in Dubuque, Iowa - that’s who I should hire.

Want to build in-person camaraderie?

Great. Here’s a plan.

Downsize your corporate office space. You’ll save lots of money not just on the real estate but also on heating and cooling costs, maintenance, etc.

Use that saved money to bring your team together in person a few times a year.

If you have a cluster of employees in one geographic area, rent some shared office space so they can see each other occasionally.

Remote work is not going away, and fighting it is folly.

As the saying goes: “You can’t stop the waves, so you might as well learn how to surf.”

All my best,


ps: learn more about what I do here

Peter Sorgenfrei

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