The Coachability Conundrum: Can Everyone Be Coached?

June 17th, 2024 | Read Online

The Coachability Conundrum:

Can Everyone Be Coached?

The Intentional Leadership Newsletter

As coaches and mentors, we often assume everyone can benefit from coaching.

Improved performance, increased confidence, and enhanced well-being are well-documented benefits.

But can everyone be coached?

The Case for Coachability

Coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. It provides guidance, support, and accountability, helping individuals set and achieve their goals. Whether it's improving communication skills, building confidence, or overcoming obstacles, coaching can be a catalyst for growth and change.

For instance, an International Coach Federation study found that 85% of clients reported improved job performance, and 75% reported improved relationships after coaching. Similarly, the Journal of Applied Psychology noted significant improvements in leadership skills like communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Okay, I know I'm biased here, but the evidence is compelling ;-)

The Case Against Coachability

However, only some are equally receptive to coaching.

Some may be more resistant to change or less open to feedback, making the coaching process challenging or impossible. Research indicates that personality traits like neuroticism and extraversion can affect an individual's willingness to adapt.

Past experiences and trauma also impact coachability. Someone who has experienced bullying or harassment may be more guarded and less receptive to feedback. Likewise, individuals with a fixed mindset may resist learning and growth.

The Gray Area

Most people fall somewhere between highly coachable and completely uncoachable. As coaches, we must understand individual differences and adapt our approaches to meet each person's needs.

That’s why I do not have a set model or program for you to go through.

I will meet you where you are mentally and physically, and we will go from there.

If you’ve followed me for a while and considered if we should work together, get in touch. I am booking client intake for the fall and only have a few slots left.

All my best,


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