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Stop watering dead plants

September 16th, 2024 | Read Online Stop watering dead plants The best advice you'll receive today... The Intentional Leadership Newsletter This idea about stop watering dead plants might seem obvious in your house, but for some reason, many people continue doing it in their businesses. Of course, you realize that I’m not literally talking about plants, but rather elements of your company that it’s time to say goodbye to. Most of us are aware of the fallacy of sunk cost, a cognitive bias that...

September 9th, 2024 | Read Online Top 11 challenges faced by CEO clients (2, 7 and 11 being the big ones....) The Intentional Leadership Newsletter (2, 7 and 11 being the big ones….) 1) Overwhelmed by choices → The expansion of a company demands more decisions from CEOs every day, leading to a decline in the quality of these decisions due to decision fatigue. 2) The hurdle of handing over control → As businesses scale, CEOs face the tough choice of entrusting significant responsibilities to...

September 2nd, 2024 | Read Online 10 Things Every Founder/CEO Should Start Doing Today. Heck, everyone should start doing today... The Intentional Leadership Newsletter (I wish I did 3, 4, and 5 much much earlier in life) 1) Exercising any way you can… daily → Ditch the rigid routine, mix it up, and remember, doing anything is better than nothing. Find ways to make exercise social, like the rise of pickleball, and consider taking a 10-minute walk break for a world of good. 2) Sleeping like...

August 26th, 2024 | Read Online Let People Work From Wherever The Hell They Want To. Organizations across the world are starting to mandate coming back to the office - this needs to stop... The Intentional Leadership Newsletter It was recently reported that Zoom would start requiring part-time in-person attendance by employees who live within a 50-mile radius of an office. Sure, it made for some funny headlines that the company that most supported remote work during the pandemic was doing...

The number one mistake founders make in the early days is this. They do not consistently make the world aware of who they are and what they are selling. Sales in the early days is not sales. It’s education or perhaps even just information: “Hi, I’m Bob, we do this thing. How are you and what do you do?” Having a simple dialogue to get going is all it takes. And if that feels intimidating you can write about what you do on public open platforms like my favorite LinkedIn (or Insta or X), you...

June 24th, 2024 | Read Online Managing the Summer Holiday Period as a Founder CEO: As a founder and CEO, taking time off during the summer is essential for recharging and maintaining peak performance. The Intentional Leadership Newsletter As a founder and CEO, taking time off during the summer is essential for recharging and maintaining peak performance. However, managing this period requires careful planning and execution to ensure you can relax and return refreshed without losing momentum....

I’ve always stressed the importance of spending time by yourself to support your mental health. But how do you find just 30 minutes a day in what seems like an impossible schedule with work and family life? That and more in the short video here. Hope you find it helpful. Peter

June 17th, 2024 | Read Online The Coachability Conundrum: Can Everyone Be Coached? The Intentional Leadership Newsletter As coaches and mentors, we often assume everyone can benefit from coaching. Improved performance, increased confidence, and enhanced well-being are well-documented benefits. But can everyone be coached? The Case for Coachability Coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. It provides guidance, support, and accountability, helping individuals set...

Most of my clients experience a lack of energy, a decline in mental surplus, and a missing joy in their lives when they first come to me. In this video, I share three simple things you can do to change that if you also need more energy, mental capacity, and joy. I hope you find it valuable, Peter

June 10th, 2024 | Read Online The Surprising Truth About Founders and Sales The Intentional Leadership Newsletter NOTE: This newsletter is a rewritten version of an email I wrote to a founder about his belief that he was not a good salesperson. It, therefore, reads a bit differently than my normal letters. – Begin email: – As a founder, you're no stranger to selling. You sell your vision to your team, investors, and customers daily. Yet, many founders need help to acknowledge that they're...